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中原USR | 2021國際USR暑期體驗營實體課程預告
實體課程即將開始,打開你的雙眼和耳朵,並揮動手腳,跟著我們去體驗了解 #中壢特色、#新住民文化、#埤塘價值、#老屋歷史 與 #環境保護,一起用感官去學習吧!
2021 USR International experience camp A fresh start for physical courses
Date: Saturday 25th September, Saturday 2nd October, Saturday 9th October
Hello everyone, with a long while’s online courses at home now is time for us to go out and breathe the fresh air!
Physical courses are about to start. Open your eyes, your ears and stretch your hands and legs, and we are going to take you to experience characteristics in Zhongli, new immigrants’ culture, the value of ponds, history of ancient houses, and environmental protection with your senses.
#中原USR #2021國際USR暑期體驗營 #中原國際營 #印尼坤甸團隊 #綠捷農地守護聯盟 #桃園藝文陣線 #江湖工作室 #英語自學認證