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桃園蘆竹地探勘活動 2022雙城國際設計工作坊


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七月九日 艷陽高照

今天 #2022雙城國際工作坊,在蘆竹開啟了我們的第一站。





A picture is worth a thousand words.

9th July Sunny

Luzhu, Taoyuan Base Study

Our 2022 USR International Design Workshop had first stop in Luzhu, Taoyuan. In the morning, Teacher Wu Xiuqian and Du Yanying introduced the history of Luzhu's old house and the value of the pond. After the explanation, the seemingly ordinary old brick house was full of rich humanistic colors.

In the afternoon, Ms. Yizheng from Jitian Farm and Ms. Ellen from Worldwide Open Studio introduced the trajectory of urban development from Fuguo Road, Zhongzheng Road and Tong'an Street, as well as the naming stories of Pond 1-15 and 1-16.

The irrigation area of Pond 1-15 happens to be the farmland near Taoyuan Green MRT G12 Station. It can be seen that the urban planning is not obvious from the surface, which also reflects how important the educational significance of the workshop is.

In Worldwide Open Studio, we can see that the remanufacturing, reuse and re-creation of green buildings. These sustainable construction methods are very worth learning.At the end, we went around Pond 1-16. The road was full of surprises. The honest shops selling seasonal vegetables and the Guanyin Temple hidden in the path brought students an impressive experience.



七月十一日 絢爛雲彩

#2022雙城國際工作坊 系列講座的開始,帶大家初步了解都市計畫與生態的影響,謝統勝老師用《基地涵構+分析+Mapping》分享Mapping 中的涵構、與社區脈絡的重要性,再利用五感(視覺、嗅覺、聽覺、味覺、觸覺)的構想,突顯地區的特殊性,讓城市中無法一眼見到的事物,突顯在紙面上。



11th July Sunny day

The series of lectures in 2022 USR International Design Workshop will give you a preliminary understanding of the impact of urban planning and ecology. Prof. Patrick Hsie shared the importance of the construction and community context through 'Base Construction+Analysis+Mapping'. The concept of the five senses (vision, smell, hearing, taste, and touch) is highlighted so the things that cannot be seen in the city at a glance are highlighted on paper.

In lecture 2, Prof. Joyce Peng gave a speech on 'The Case Study of Macrosystem and Microsystem and Sustainable Community', so that everyone can understand the different scale, and the design planners will also make corresponding treatment methods to achieve a relative balance between ecology, economy and society.

Urban development is for the advancement of industry and the convenience of life, but when the design method is inappropriate, only boring cement buildings can be created.

Students are inspired to do what they can learn after listening through the lecture, so that the world is full of aesthetics and balance with ecology.


知識就像一陣風 讓我們乘風飛翔

七月十二 萬里無雲

#2022雙城國際設計工作坊 第二天講座由計畫主持人陳其澎教授暢談《流動的人文景觀-前瞻視野的桃園水文化的空間敘事》,為學員們解說基地上的地理脈絡,以及早期灌溉埤塘,所遇到的轉型問題。在自然生態平衡情況下,做出永續發展的行動,都是都市發展需要探討的。在陳教授的演講中,從埤圳的系統、歷史文化、社會人文、生態價值的認識與學習,給予未來願景,讓大家在著手設計之前對於基地更加熟悉。

而下午的演講,我們也非常榮幸邀請到來自斯圖加特大學的Iris Belle教授,為我們分享關於歐洲智慧城市的發展。可以看到科技是如何改變城市,讓智慧城市能改善人們的生活,進而讓人們在都市生活更加便利,讓大家知道都市規劃與生態平衡的重要性。過程中教授分享了幾個她所欣賞的設計案例,像是德國柏林舊機場的設計,告訴大家設計是如何改善環境、造福社區、平衡生態的。藉由使用的材料、設計手法、與居民的溝通,可以讓智慧城市落實,邁向永續環境。

Knowledge has a beginning but no end.

12th July Sunny

On the second day of the workshop, Prof. Chie-Peng Chen, who are the host of the project, gave a speech about “The Flowing of Human Landscape A Prospective view on the Spatial Narrative of Taoyuan's Water Culture”. There are the irrigation pond faced a transformation problems, and what kind of the action we should take of sustainable development under the condition of natural ecological balance. It is part of the urban development and important to learn the system, history and culture, social and humanities and ecological values of pond. It gave us a vision for the future, so that everyone can be more familiar with the site before starting the design.

In the afternoon, we had Prof. Iris Belle, from Germany, was invited to give a speech on “Smart Cities in Europe-climate friendly and livable”. Let us know how technology change the city and improve people’s lives, making people’s live more convenient in the city and let everyone know the importance of urban planning and ecological balance. That is some cases Prof.Iris shared with us , such as the design of the old airport in Berlin, Germany, to show us how design improves the environment, benefits the community, and balances the ecology. Through the materials used, design methods and communication with residents, smart cities can be implemented and moved towards a sustainable environment.

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